US Prime

US Economy in Q4 (4th quarter) 2021

US Economy in Q4 (4th quarter) 2021

Introduction As the stimulus boost wears off, the US economy may slow. The economic recovery slowed, and prices rose over the summer in the US, according to the Federal Reserve Beige Book, as a resurgence of COVID-19 cases linked to the Delta variant prompted consumers to cut back on spending and supply chain issues persisted,…

The Future of the Cannabis Market in the US

The Future of the Cannabis Market in the US

US Current Market Cannabis is the world’s most widely grown, trafficked, and consumed substance, and as the movement to legalize it increases, investors, producers, and academics are taking notice. Officially classified as a Schedule I substance, Cannabis generated $13.6 billion in revenue in 2019 and supported 340,000 employment, according to New Frontier Data, despite being…

Is there a financial crisis in US?

Is there a financial crisis in US?

Global Economy Overview The world economy’s quick recovery from the COVID-19 recession may be weakening. The Brookings-Financial Times Tracking Indexes for Global Economic Recovery (TIGER) indicate global growth slowing, particularly in the two key growth engines, the US and China. A global economic recovery is also jeopardized by increased COVID-19 infections and inadequate vaccination attempts….

Unemployment in the US

Unemployment in the US

Global and US Context As a global economic and social issue, unemployment is a major concern. It happens every now and then in every country, including the US, that there aren’t enough job openings to go around. The unemployment rate constantly fluctuates because of the wide range of social and economic factors that influence it….

What happened to the US economy in 2021

What happened to the US economy in 2021

Introduction Despite domestic challenges and a rapidly changing global landscape, the US economy remains the world’s largest and most important. US GDP, which makes up 20% of global output, remains larger than China’s. The sixth-highest per capita GDP according to the IMF (PPP). An advanced and technologically advanced services sector accounts for roughly 80% of…

Covid-19 Pandemic & New Business Formation in US

Covid-19 Pandemic & New Business Formation in US

As the coronavirus spread, the normal economic figures predicted doom. From February to May 2020, 20 million jobs were eliminated, and the pandemic is negatively impacted the whole global economy. But when it comes to new business formation in US, it is up. Despite a health crisis and one of the most severe economic downturns…